The Miami 21 Code has evolved with the City of
Miami as its neighborhoods and the needs of its
constituents have changed. These changes are
reflected in amendments which are formal changes
or additions made to the Miami 21 Code. The
document below provides a summary of amendments
to the Miami 21 Code since its original adoption
in October 2009. The summary includes the
legislative ID number, ordinance number, section
modified, subject, and the approval date. For
further information on each of the legislative
items, please refer to
the City’s
legislative hub.
The documents below are presented as
adopted and amended by
the City Commission through January
The Table of Contents
and amendments has been updated to include
hyperlinks to each of the sections of the
document to provide the user with additional
ease-of-use. Appendices contine to be a
part of the Miami 21 Code.